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Get Small Prices at Big Box Stores

Get Small Prices at Big Box Stores

Walmart and Target, two of the most notable megastores around, have just suffered a crash of sorts. During just a few days in the middle of May, both of the retail giants saw approximately two years’ worth of stock market gains wiped out. Those stock prices could start climbing once again, but to make up the losses will likely take more time than most investors had bargained for. On the other hand, more immediate financial implications from this fallout could end up actually helping everyday consumers. So, what gives?

The word of the moment is inflation and that’s a good place to start. As prices climb to keep pace with fuel issues and supply chain kerfuffles, you might think that bargain shoppers would start to feel the burn at these retailers. In reality, both Walmart and Target have begun to fight for earnings with a consumer-friendly strategy — everything must go! Ok, it’s not quite as dramatic as that. And this isn’t a Crazy Eddie’s commercial. Both stores are, however, trying to stem the tide by selling a higher volume of goods at cheaper prices. That counterintuitive move has a lot to do with where we’ve ended up in a late-stage-COVID world. 

It seems that consumers tired of being cooped up for much of the past two years have collectively decided to spend less on being at home (i.e. many of the have-to-haves sold at both Walmart and Target) and more on things like travel, eating out, and entertainment. This trend is your cue to pounce. What better time is there to buy what you need from the big-box stores than when they’re forced to lower prices?   

Since these two retailers are two of the biggest, looking to them for an indication of how the rest of their peers might behave in the coming months makes a lot of sense. In other words, you might want to get ready to do some serious shopping, helping yourself to a little break from inflation pain at the same time. 

Saving fuel, time, and energy by shopping at the online version of these stores and others like them has an added perk. When you shop virtually, you can get even better deals by simply adding a browser extension. These free applications like Honey, Capital One Shopping, Rakuten, and Ibotta find deals and special offers for you to make the things you want to buy even cheaper. The best part is they’re automatic. That is, you don’t have to add items to a special cart or scan barcodes. No need to jump through hoops at all. When any of these extensions are installed, they scan the web searching for deals you didn’t even know you could get. Translation: save even more with a few smart clicks. 


If your hopes and dreams are all pinned to retailer’s stock prices, you might need a little therapy to feel better. And saving on retail therapy with a browser extension couldn’t be any easier.

Picture of Olivia James

Olivia James

Bargain Shopper Extraordinaire. Obsessed with shopping. Even more obsessed with getting great deals!